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  • Writer's pictureJulia Bandel

Good Life Blessings 365-Day 2

Today brought a special moment this afternoon that was simple and sweet. Sitting on the front porch, talking to the neighbor as our children ran from house to house playing super heroes. 

Life today seemingly always consists of rushing here and running there. Late for this, gotta get to that. Jam packed days, full of business and effort.little time is left to get to know the people around you. Even if those are the people you live right next to.

I was once given a challenge to write down the names of all the neighbors that lived surrounding me. I couldn’t do it. And that was a sad realization. These are the people that we can do life with. Share simple moments with, like asking to borrow something if we need it or sharing home maintenance tips with. Our neighbors can dramatically impact the quality of our lives and home value (if we take this to the real estate world). 

Our neighbors can directly affect the Good Life we live everyday. I’m very thankful for the neighbors I have and for the fact we can sit and hang out on the porch together and listen to the sweet, simple laughs of our littles.

Can you name all the people that live directly surrounding you? 

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